Conquer the Paper Piles!
I have a confession - I'm a "partial piler"! Yes, even Professional Organizers have their challenges and none has been bigger for me than this: what to do with all the "to do's"??? You know, the snail and email stuff that needs attention, but not right now.
Every paper item that comes into your home or office should fall into 3 categories: File, Act, or Toss (FAT). File and Toss are easy, but Act - that's tough. Most people (including me) tend to spread the papers out so they don't forget something. Then they run out of room, pile something else on top, and next thing you know the water is being disconnected. :(
So here's what I've come up with - an interim filing system that you can use everyday for things that need action within the month. I'm looking for a catchy name, but for now it's generically The Action Filing System. It has cleared up the little piles on my desk and kitchen cabinet, and I no longer worry that I've forgotten to deal with something important. Better space, better sleep, better life - now that's a solution!

How it Works:
1) get a letter size file box that is fairly small and easy to move around. See the photo of mine at left - from The Container Store.
2) Add a few hanging file folders (I put in 5, using only 3 so far)
3) here's the cool part - put in file dividers labeled 1 thru 31 (see below). From Office Depot these are a hard plastic which are sturdy and stand up nicely in the hanging file.

Every time you get mail, or bring home a to-do, or print something from the computer that needs action you just decide when you'll take care of it, then file the bill, paper, folder, whatever, into that date.
The hard part: you have to check it every day and review the stuff in that date - some discipline is required here. Then you can take action or defer it back to a later date. After a few deferments you need to admit you aren't going to do it and Toss.
It's worked really well for me and another client is testing it now. It's light and portable - fits under my desk. Let me know if you have questions or share your results. Happy Un-piling!!!
Every paper item that comes into your home or office should fall into 3 categories: File, Act, or Toss (FAT). File and Toss are easy, but Act - that's tough. Most people (including me) tend to spread the papers out so they don't forget something. Then they run out of room, pile something else on top, and next thing you know the water is being disconnected. :(
So here's what I've come up with - an interim filing system that you can use everyday for things that need action within the month. I'm looking for a catchy name, but for now it's generically The Action Filing System. It has cleared up the little piles on my desk and kitchen cabinet, and I no longer worry that I've forgotten to deal with something important. Better space, better sleep, better life - now that's a solution!

How it Works:
1) get a letter size file box that is fairly small and easy to move around. See the photo of mine at left - from The Container Store.
2) Add a few hanging file folders (I put in 5, using only 3 so far)
3) here's the cool part - put in file dividers labeled 1 thru 31 (see below). From Office Depot these are a hard plastic which are sturdy and stand up nicely in the hanging file.

Every time you get mail, or bring home a to-do, or print something from the computer that needs action you just decide when you'll take care of it, then file the bill, paper, folder, whatever, into that date.
The hard part: you have to check it every day and review the stuff in that date - some discipline is required here. Then you can take action or defer it back to a later date. After a few deferments you need to admit you aren't going to do it and Toss.
It's worked really well for me and another client is testing it now. It's light and portable - fits under my desk. Let me know if you have questions or share your results. Happy Un-piling!!!
I like this idea! I purchased my box, files, and dividers at Office Depot last night. This weekend I plan to get my bills and "To Dos" organized. I'll let you know how it's going. Hopefully I'll be a FAT man before too long. Thanks Becca.
Anonymous, At
August 8, 2008 at 9:06 AM
Hi Becca,
I read where you were seeking a "catchy name" for your daily filing system.
You know there's a place called the daily dish. Since your filing system is one you consult or look at daily, what about calling it "The Daily Files"
Kinda like the "x-files" or "the daily dish" only in this case the daily files.
Also, perhaps you might consider arranging your hanging files so that you use 4 of them, 1 hanging file for each week of the current month, and your tab folders for your days could be in each of the weekly larger hanging folders. You also might could use the 5th hanging file for your deferred or put off items and say after so many papers go in that file, you need to deal with them.
Some days you may have too much to do and not the time to get to an item, but other days you may have a bit more time after completing that file's papers, and at that time you could consult the hanging file of deffered papers.
Anonymous, At
January 9, 2009 at 5:15 AM
Thanks so much, Anonymous - I love "The Daily Files" for the product. Also reflects my favorite source of "news" The Daily Show!
My goal is always to seek out the simplest answer/process. I understand your idea about keeping a week's worth of tabs per hanging file and this will appeal to a lot people. That's the fun part of helping people organize - it's so personal and thus always interesting and new.
I like the clarity and consistency of looking at one day at a time - and only 1 day. If I miss a day I to back and check past days, if I know I'll be out of town I don't place anything in those dates. And I ALWAYS put bill payments in with LOTS of cushion so I'm never late.
Thanks so much, and "The Daily Files" is the winner! If you want to let me know who you are at, I'll come with up a fun or funny prize!!!
Anonymous, At
January 10, 2009 at 10:49 AM
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