12 Tips of Christmas
Help for the Holidays
I'm updating this post from a few years ago - as with traditions, holiday organizing stays much the same. Enjoy!
Here are a dozen ideas to help you minimize the work and maximize the pleasure of the season. Thoughtfully choose the activities that will be meaningful for you and your loved ones this year, and streamline or discard the rest.
If you need to set the holiday mood to start wrapping gifts and writing out cards, take out the seasonal MUSIC or MOVIES and pop one in. You’ll be surprised how quickly you’re ready to tackle the holidays!
Clean out the
old to make room for the new! Get rid of toys that your children have
outgrown, are broken or no longer of interest to them. The same goes for
the clothing closets. If you haven't worn it in the last 2 years, sell
or donate it. Take advantage of the year-end tax DEDUCTIONS.
Carry a small NOTEBOOK in your purse or use your phone. Write down your thoughts immediately: things to buy, things to do, etc. This will free you from those nagging doubts and fear of forgetting something vital.
Once you come
across an idea in CATALOGS, sales flyers, or elsewhere tear the page
out and place the idea in a folder titled "gift ideas. If online save to
Evernote, or print the page and add to the file. Keep the ordering
information and clip or staple them together with the name of the
potential recipient. This could be a year round project making holidays
that much easier.
Get a large white envelope and label it Shopping Central. Put your shopping list there and keep ALL receipts in this envelope. This will make shopping and any returns a breeze.
Keep a supply
of candles, boxed candy, wine or other small gifts on hand to use as
GENERIC hostess gifts, teacher gifts, mailman gifts, etc. Or buy lots of
poinsettias as soon as they appear in the stores, then use them to
decorate your house and give them away as needed.
When it comes
to holiday wrapping remember the 3 R’s: reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Reduce waste by wrapping gifts within gifts. Reuse paper, bags, or other
containers. Recycle by choosing wrapping materials that won’t end up in
a landfill. Gift bags are the handiest invention around and can
typically be re-used many times.
Take SNAPSHOTS of your decorating arrangements to save time and decision making next year. Order double prints. Keep one set with your Christmas decorations to serve as instructions. Put the other set in your safety deposit box with your household inventory for insurance purposes.
Consider giving decorations you haven’t displayed in years to new homes. Make a list of supplies you’ll NEED for next year, such as wrapping materials, cards, extension cords, and replacement light bulbs. Determine how many and what size containers you’ll need for storage. With this list, take advantage of after-Christmas SALES. Stick to your list, being careful not to collect more clutter just because it’s on sale.
Put away
sorted decorations according to GROUPINGS. For example, keep all your
tree trimmings together rather than scattering them throughout your
storage boxes. Be sure to label each container according to its
contents. Consider numbering your boxes according to decorating
priority. “Box 1”
would contain those items that you consider essential and would want to
unpack first, such as decorating photos (see #9), holiday music, cards
to send and special recipes. Take this opportunity to store other items
that you ONLY use during the holidays, particularly those that take up
valuable kitchen cupboard space like serving platters.
If you expect overnight houseguests try out the room by spending a night there first. Pretend you are a hotel guest and look at it with outsider’s eyes. Is the bed and room comfortable? What items would you want – clock, nice hangers, tissues, extra blanket? Does the room need to be CLEANED? This is a great time to get the room de-cluttered - throw out and donate some of the items that have inevitably found their way in.
The day AFTER Christmas, make next year's "to do" list so that you won't have to work so hard again! Shop year round for gifts, decorations, and cards for those you love. Keep a running list of things you enjoyed, recipes that were a hit, activities to skip, and tips for making things easier on you and your household.
Hi Becca,
I've gone beyond recyclable when it comes to gift bags. I've accumulated so many free cloth shopping bags that I have too many, so I'm making those the gift bags this year, tying on some coordinating ribbon to make them gifty looking. You can even make lime green a holiday color with the right ribbon.
Bliss Doubt, At
December 12, 2013 at 10:34 AM
Dear Bliss - excellent idea! I see lots of households where the bags threaten to overtake the space, so this is a great way to put them back into the Universe. :)
Happy Holidays!!
Becca, At
December 13, 2013 at 7:28 AM
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