Daily Action File Update
Conquer the Paper Piles!
This is an update from a post I wrote a few years ago. My clients continue to find success and satisfaction using this super-simple system for dealing with the paperwork of daily life. Maybe it will help you too!____________________________________________________________________
I have a confession - I'm a "partial piler"! Yes, even Professional Organizers have their challenges and none has been bigger for me than this: what to do with all the "to do's"??? You know, the snail and email stuff that needs attention, but not right now.
Every paper item that comes into your home or office should fall into 3 categories: File, Act, or Toss (FAT). File and Toss are easy, but Act - that's tough. Most people (including me) tend to spread the papers out so they don't forget something. Then they run out of room, pile something else on top, and next thing you know the water is being disconnected. :(
So here's what I've come up with - an interim filing system that you can use everyday for things that need action within the month (or longer). I'm looking for a catchy name, but for now it's generically The Action Filing System. It has cleared up the little piles on my desk and kitchen cabinet, and I no longer worry that I've forgotten to deal with something important. Better space, better sleep, better life - now that's a solution! (Update: officially named the Daily Action File!).

How it Works:
1) get a letter size file box that is fairly small and easy to move around. See the photo of mine at left - from The Container Store.
2) Add a few hanging file folders (I use 4)
3) here's the cool part - put in file dividers labeled 1 thru 31 (see below). From Office Depot these are a hard plastic and made by Avery. They cost more a bit more and you have to label 1-31 with a Sharpie, but they are super sturdy and stand up nicely in the hanging file.
Every time you get mail, or bring home a to-do, or print something from the com

The hard part: you have to check it every day and review the stuff in that date - some discipline is required here. Then you can take action or defer it back to a later date. After a few deferments you need to admit you aren't going to do it and Toss.
It's worked really well for me and another client is testing it now. (Update: many have used and continue to use it). It's light and portable - fits under my desk. Let me know if you have questions or share your results. Happy Un-piling!!!
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Rory Fugerson, At
May 13, 2012 at 9:24 PM
Hi Rory,
Thanks for your comment! Both storing papers vertically and dividing by categories are key to an organized and easily accessible filing system.
Becca, At
May 14, 2012 at 2:05 PM
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